I was going to rant about how everyone writes for different reasons and how it’s not fair for people to push their reasons onto other people. But I think I’ve done that before and it’s Friday so I don’t want to be grumpy ^_^

So instead…

No one really knows this yet, though some people may assume based on some things I’ve written in the past. The story I’m working on right now is different from any other novel I’ve worked on, finished or otherwise. My CP’s don’t know this yet, because I haven’t been brave enough to feed out later chapters of the book (as in, they have access to less than the first 8k words). No one else knows it, because I don’t tend to talk details about my WIP’s to anyone else ^_^

So, what’s the big secret here and why am I more than a little nervous to share this with the people who usually critique my work? It’s the tone of the story. It’s darker, and raunchier, than anything else I’ve done. It has more than one graphic scene. It also covers some topics that don’t really fall under world-building (because I didn’t build them, they are already a part of this world), that the average person may or may not know.

Nothing military. There are no guns in this story. Or scientific, computer-based, technical, anything like that. No, it’s just the terminology and business that goes hand-in-hand with working in a strip club.

I’m not bothered by the content. This has been my favorite novel to write so far. And I’m not concerned about my CP’s thinking less of me after they read it. No, I won’t make jokes about their opinions not getting much lower thankyouverymuch 😛 It’s because they’re familiar with my work and the things I’ve had published.

This is what has me hesitating. They’re not my target audience. They never really have been, but this story pushes some different boundaries. And a portion of me is terrified that if I let them get into it, regardless of how well-intentioned the feedback is, it may not be right for the story I’m trying to tell.

I’m sure they would provide fantastic input. I trust them to be objective. But…

I’m trying to think of an appropriate analogy. It would be like taking my Volkswagen (if I owned such a thing, which I don’t, because I like simplicity) to a Ford certified mechanic to help me rebuild the engine. Or…asking an Apple genius (that’s what they call those people, right?) how to edit my Windows registry to disable the AckFrequency. Or…asking my Spanish tutor to help me with my Portuguese homework.

Or maybe I’m just overreacting because this is my newest baby and I adore it more than all the others combined…

What would you do?

PS: If you’re one of the people I’m talking about, I hope you haven’t taken this personally. I still adore you and value your input ^_^