First of all, if you haven’t yet don’t forget to sign up for Santa-Fest 2011. Celebrate the spirit of giving with us for the holidays and make some new friends.
Next, and equally as important: Frankie Diane Mallis has opened sign-ups for the Third Annual No Kiss Blogfest. If you’re not familiar with this, it’s a fantastic lot of fun. Even if you are familiar with it, it’s fun. The basic concept is, on January 2 (after we’ve all had a chance to recover from it being the last year of our lives…2012 people…Mayan Calendar? Oh come on, it was funny…*ahem*), post a ‘non-kiss’ on your blog.
It can be any sort of almost-kiss. A scene from your current WIP, a fresh short story written just for the event, or a scene from a movie. Frequently the anticipation is so much hotter than the event, and an almost-kiss that doesn’t quite happen is some intense anticipation. Make us swoon.
Here is my offering from last year. It’ll be a blast, join us!
I’m here after signing up on Laura’s blog. Just thought I’d say hi 🙂
Sounds like some great fests happening.
lol A great way to enjoy the last days of our lives.
I did the No Kiss Blogfest last year and it was amaaaaaazing! but since, I’ve adopted a little writer’s-doubt and I don’t like sharing my crap all over the internet anymore aha total bummer 😐