So, last week I was catching up on my blogs and was oh so very lucky to stumble on a new post at the perfect time. Laura @ Daily Dodo had a brilliant idea, and I’m fortunate enough to get to help 😀

The concept is simple – we’d like to celebrate with as many people as possible. We’re hosting a Secret Santa-fest. You sign up, and using a random number generator, we’ll assign someone to gift you and someone for you to gift.

The gifts are all based on your imagination, and we’re all creative people here so they should be spectacular. They should be free, and email-able.

Some ideas are:

  • Poems or images created specifically for your secret friend.
  • An opportunity to guest post with you (once your name is revealed, of course)
  • A page/query/synopsis or other critique of their writing
  • A blog badge
  • The list goes on

The Basics

  1. Though it’s not mandatory – I’d love it if you were a follower here / at Laura’s (Go on, go follow her if you’re not yet. I’ll wait…back?)
  2. Sign up on our linky-list by the 12th December – this will ask for name, blog address and email address – these are necessary for the whole thing to work, but don’t worry – we won’t pass your email on – just the blog address! The list will close promptly and we busy elves will get to it….
  3. On the 13th December you will be emailed the Blog address of the person YOU are creating a gift for (just so you know – it isn’t a direct pairing – just because you’re creating for them doesn’t mean that they’re the same person creating for you!)
  4. Email us your gift by the 19th December… us busy elves will start digitally boxing your presents.
  5. On Christmas morning, every single person who signed up will receive their special bloggy gift.

Though this isn’t technically a blog-hop, we’ve got a linky set up. This will help us with sign-ups, but it’s also a great opportunity to make some new holiday friends. We recommend checking out everyone’s site when you have a moment, whether or not you’re gifting them. You have a couple of weeks to make the rounds, and there’s so much fun out there that it will be worth your time.

One last thing, all gifts will be sent from santafest(at)hotmail(dot), so make sure to add the email address to your filter list if you have one. Only Laura and I have access to this email, and we promise not to spam anyone ^_^

So what are you waiting for? Sign up below and let’s all celebrate together!