I can’t beleive I didn’t do this yesterday.

One of my friends has an adorable daughter. Okay, several of them do, but only this one applies today. This little girl, around the age of 4, learned a new trick. She’d suddenly say “Oh! I almost forgot!” As though something critical was supposed to occur.

And then it would be followed with “We were supposed to go get ice cream after school.”

Which I thought was awesomely brilliant.

So, me: “OH! I almost forgot!”

You: “Forgot what?”

Me: “hehehehe.”

Late last week I was working on exporting my story, and I realized last time I had exported it, I hadn’t included a chapter. Oops. Chapter 7 wasn’t in the copy of my story that I sent to my readers. Which explained some of their questions. And I felt a little relieved after I realized why they had those questions when I thought I had clearly explained those things.

Which is not what I almost forgot. Because I didn’t forget that, I just missed it. Never let it be said I’m a detail oriented person. No, really. My Sweetie Ay will back me up on that. Emphatically. 😛

What I almost forgot is to scream and yell from the blogsphere the reason I was exporting my story.

Because on Friday, at about 2 pm local time, I finished my revisions. I wrote the final word on the page and sighed with a level of contentment that is rarely heard in-office.

In other words I’M DONE! ^_^

I started re-reading for a final pass this weekend to make sure I changed all the ‘her’s’ to ‘my’s’, and got all the god names right. But…I really, really like it.

So…want some ice cream? ^_^