Today I’m hosting Natasha Duncan-Drake, a fantasic author, and letting her share her (very good) thoughts about Romance. Take it away, Tasha!
Hello and thanks to Allyson for hosting me on her blog today as part of the Blogger Book Fair. I hope everyone is enjoying the Fair so far.
Now I enjoy a good romance as well as the next person, but I do have to admit I prefer mine on the paranormal or the fantasy or the sci-fi side of things. I read to escape and I like to leave reality well behind. That’s not to say I don’t like contemporary romance as well, I do, but if you put two books in front of me I’m going to pick up the one with the werewolf on the front first :).
I’ve always been the same. When I was small I started with fairytales, then books like The Hobbit (I can trace my desire to write back to that book) and in my teens I found authors like David Eddings and Anne McCaffery. However, it wasn’t really until my twenties I started reading romance. Fanfiction (fiction written by fans about fictional universes they do not own, e.g. Harry Potter), slash to be precise (which means male/male fiction) started me off down that road and I do usually read gay romance.
When I write in the romance genre I usually also decide to write male/male or menage. I’m not exactly sure what attracts me to the genre because the love is just as deep in male/female as in male/male and the sex is just as spicy most of the time in both when it’s erotica, it’s just something I like to read and write.
I’m also a bit of a vampire addict. I tend to watch vampires more than I read them (last count I had 116 vampire films and 17 vampire TV shows on DVD) because I’m a picky reader and not a picky watcher (although there are some I own I will never watch a second time :)). Something you don’t get much on film (unless you want to watch The Lair) is gay vampires. Luckily for me vampires are very popular in the romance genre which means there are some gay vampires in the fiction.
I do love a romance where there’s some neck nibbling going on. That’s why I write it as well. My series The Soul Reader Series is a romance over several books between a vampire, Michael, and John, a human who sells himself to vampires for blood and sex. There’s a twist in there as well (revealed in the first book), but which I won’t mention here because I don’t want to spoil anyone. The series is a set of shorter books which are free (#1 and #3) and novellas which are bargain priced (#2) with more to follow soon. There is no way I’m stopping writing them, I’m having way too much fun with Michael and John.
As I mentioned I also love fantasy and sci-fi. Give me dragons or space ships and I’m a very happy camper. I enjoy fiction that takes the characters out of what I consider the norm. I write and read slash fanfiction in the Harry Potter universe, for example, because although the romance in the books was sweet, it wasn’t who I wanted to see together. A good romance in space is also wonderful and I will ship Han/Leia until my dying day :).
This rather explains my other erotic romance series (which only consists of one book at the moment, but the second is almost ready :)). This series is called The Dark Reflections Series and is all about Tristan, an actor, who is either going insane or is transported to an alternative dimension where the movies he’s staring in are real. These films just happen to contain superheroes and supervillains so Tristan isn’t really equipped to deal with it all. Poor Tristan, I do enjoy placing characters in situations they have absolutely no way of coping with :).
So those are the sort of romances I enjoyed reading. What are your favourite romance sub-genres? Are any of you vampire fans too?
John McElroy knows that at best he can be called a male escort and at worst a whore. He sells his blood to vampire clients and it’s a full service industry; what the client wants the clients gets whether it be sex or just a meal. John survives using the acting skills he picked up in his old life before he knew some people came with fangs. He keeps his emotions remote, but then he meets Michael Cooper, a vampire who changes everything.
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Forgotten Soul FREE |
Forbidden Soul 99c/77p |
Fortunate Soul FREE |
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Me, Myself and I FREE |
Tristan is an actor and he plays a supervillain in the movies. At least he thought he did, but then he has an accident and he wakes up surrounded by the world of the films. Now he has to figure out if he’s hallucinating, if somehow the movies are real and he’s been transplanted to another world or if he is actually Devon, a supervillain having a psychotic break. Whatever the answer: it’s frighteningly crazy.
“Me, Myself and I” is a sci-fi novelette (~15.5Kwds), with a heavy side of male/male romance.
This is the first story in the Dark Reflections Series, the second title will follow soon.
Natasha Duncan-Drake
Blog | Twitter | Tumblr | Livejournal | G+ | Wittegen Press Author Page
About the Author: Tasha started writing as a pre-teen and has never stopped. She used to be a software engineer and database designer before she decided to follow her dream to be a writer full time. With her twin sister she created Wittegen Press, a small e-Book press for publishing genre fiction. Her books include novels in the contemporary fantasy, crime and horror genres as well as many short stories and novelettes in every genre from sci-fi to romance. When she’s not writing she’s usually reading, watching vampire movies, baking or polishing her Photoshop skills.