Once again, the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards are looming on the horizon. I know a lot of people who are participating, and just as many who aren’t. I’m still on the fence. Last year I didn’t make it past the first round. Which was a little heartbreaking at the time, but I did recover.

This year…well technically I’d be entering with the same story, but it’s so very different now (including a different title) that unless you’ve read the story, you wouldn’t recognize the two as being the same beast. The first chapter is brand new. The pitch is completely different. The underlying story line has been heavily modified.

And I’ve shelved the story. I’ve set it aside as something I’m not going to work on or shop around or anything for the time being.

So I’m asking myself, would I be entering just for the sake of entering? Would I be doing it in the hope I’d make it just a little further this year? Do I have enough faith in this particular story to think it would climb it’s way through each round? After all, I shelved it for a reason.

And I’m almost done with my current WIP. I won’t be done in a week, I’m not that almost done. But it’s become my new focus. Not that I would have to focus on the other book if I entered ABNA. It’s already done, so it’s hands off.

If all of that’s true. If I think this story is best shelved. I think the polite thing to do would be to step back and not enter for the sake of saying I did it. That slot can go to someone else, since there are only 5000 entries allowed in each category. And perhaps that person will be the one who has the most sparkliest, bestest story. And perhaps that person will be one of you, who has worked so very hard to get to this point.

So I guess that settles it. I will let this deadline pass with only a little of a longing glace, knowing that I’m not walking away because of trepidation, but because this isn’t the right opportunity at the right time.

Are you participating this year? If so, let us know so we can cheer from you and if not, come help me cheer from the sidelines ^_^