Human psychology fascinates me. One of the things I wonder is why it’s so easy for us to break good habits and so hard to break the bad ones.

First instance. I’ve tried for decades to stop bitig my nails. Yeah, I admit it, I’m a nail biter. I’ve gotten better, but I still catch myself doing it. On the other hand, it takes a conscious force of will for me to write regularly.

Not that I don’t enjoy it, it’s just that when the ritual slips, the habit slips too.

I had a four day weekend. I was all psyched to get up early every day and get the rest of my new idea outlined. Other things happened that kept me from doing that. Not me saying “I don’t feel like it today” but other actual other things came up.

I managed to make time on Monday, but it just didn’t feel right. So instead I spent that hour staring at my query letter and rewriting it.

I need to get back into my new story. I know for a while I had a solid grasp on the the pacing, the plot, the characters, all of it. And it’s slipped away since then. I know the enthusiasm is just burried, so I just need to find a way to dig it out.

Unfortunately, re-reading what I’ve already written never does that for me. I look at all the existing stuff and if I don’t hate it, I love it. Which means I spent time re-reading it and revelling in my assumed awesomeness instead of adding to it. I think something in the back of my head says “you’ll never be that epic again”. I think. I’m not certain.

Which of course is silly. I know overall I’ve grown as a writer, but the subconscious doesn’t obey normal logic.

Anyway, the point is, I want to get back to this new idea, and I’m having a hard time putting myself there. Any suggestions?