I almost walked away from blogging yesterday. I almost threw in the towel and said I was never coming back. And then one person reminded me that there are better ways to deal with frustration, like, oh, rationally responding. And another reminded me that I’m going to need to learn to live with much worse if I want to see my books published.

And then I reminded myself that I don’t like being a childish reactionary.

Speaking of books and publishing…I’m revising the final chapters of my WIP today. Those last handful of chapters where everything comes to a head, people die, people live, gods make things explode…and then there’s this spear…

My imagination is a cruel beast and has come up with a new twist to the story that wasn’t there before. It has the potential to be powerful, but 1 – I’m not convinced it works in the context of the story and 2 – it’s am emotional drain to write it in.

However, this entire thing has become a cohesive story rather than a NaNoWriMo word spew, and I know I’ll have to go over it one more time before I even hand it to my cp’s and readers. I plan to kill a small tree this weekend and print the beast out. I’m that close to being finished. I also plan to not touch it for at least a week. I can be good that long.

That means that this weekend I’ll need something new to brain storm on. So it’s time to pull out the second novel I wrote in November.

There’s something really exciting about this feeling. About knowing that I’m able to work through ideas and see them come to life and finish one and then move on to the next. I spent an entire year in a writing dry spell, and then I spent all of last year revising a single story. I’m really psyched to be…well…creating new worlds again.

Something tells me that entire post was less than cohesive. Hrm…anyway ^_^

What are you working on right now?