Lost in Paradise

Wisdom for the day: You never know how much you use your left thumb as a right-handed person until you almost cut the tip off with a bread knife. Life is full of ups and downs. Drama, conflict, resolution, highs, lows, surprises, pleasantries, doom. Every day life is...

Your (Agent’s) Online Presence

If you’re a part of the online writing community and any of its various outlets or hangouts, you probably see agent and publisher tips as a daily course of interaction. Which is awesome. At least I think so. 12 years ago when I first started wondering how to...

TLIF – Welcome to Thermopylae

Welcome to…my 300th blog post ^_^ It’s been a busy, hectic week in this little corner of the globe. I’ve gone up against 100,000 (or so) words with just the strength of 300 spartan keys to tell my tale. (I figure…3 computers, an average of 100...

Effective Criticism

I’m not a tough, strong individual. I don’t take criticism in stride, integrate it into my every day life, and grow and become better and never look back.That doesn’t mean I don’t listen and learn. I do. I hear all criticism, I spend hours and...

Oh! I Almost Forgot!

I can’t beleive I didn’t do this yesterday.One of my friends has an adorable daughter. Okay, several of them do, but only this one applies today. This little girl, around the age of 4, learned a new trick. She’d suddenly say “Oh! I almost...