Cresting the Peak

I almost walked away from blogging yesterday. I almost threw in the towel and said I was never coming back. And then one person reminded me that there are better ways to deal with frustration, like, oh, rationally responding. And another reminded me that I’m...

Last Minute Decisions – ABNA

Once again, the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards are looming on the horizon. I know a lot of people who are participating, and just as many who aren’t. I’m still on the fence. Last year I didn’t make it past the first round. Which was a little...

TLIF – It’s All a Matter of Taste

I was going to rant about how everyone writes for different reasons and how it’s not fair for people to push their reasons onto other people. But I think I’ve done that before and it’s Friday so I don’t want to be grumpy ^_^So instead…No...

Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

I think about quitting sometimes. No, really, it’s true. I have these heavy waves of self-doubt that wash over me and make me think I’ll never be quite good enough and make me wonder why I even bother trying.And in those moments of doubt, I tell myself...