TLIF – Do Something Nice Today

I had to turn off Tweetdeck this morning. I do that when things get too political, and I don’t just mean government. I mean anything that there are strong opposing factions about who start slinging around negativity.It’s not that I ignore the news,...

The Stuff Few People Mention About Feedback

One of the best ways for me to ensure I’ll do something on my blog is to commit to something contrary. Along the same lines, one of the best ways for me to ensure I’ll need to add a chapter to a novel, or remove one, is for me to put the book in a format...

Life outside of writing

I’ve neglected this poor blog for over a week now. It has languished and been sad. Here’s the thing I’ve been thinking about, though. Even though I learn new things every day about my writing:They’re occasionally only new to meThey’re not...

TLIF – Can Someone be Too Likable?

I’m pondering popular media today. Some of the books and movies a lot of us are familiar with, because they are both books and movies.As I understand it, a lot people find themselves drawn to a book because they can relate to one of the main characters, and can...

Predictable vs. Appropriate

Sometimes we watch a movie or read a book where from the start we can say “this is how it will end.” Frequently, we see it through until the end anyway, because we’re most interested in the journey, not the destination.We want to feel with the...