Why Is Setting Important?

In case you’re here for me to tell you why setting is important when you write, you’ll want to find another blog post. That’s not what this is about. It’s more of a tongue-in-cheek question. Because here’s the thing. When I picture scenes...

Insurance 101

With any luck, this post won’t be as boring as the title implies. As I understand it, things don’t work this way in most industrialized nations. Japan and the United States are about the only two. As I understand it. And since I live in the US, this will...

A Creepy Thing to Consider

So, um apparently it’s been two weeks since my last post. I feel like a recovering blogger. Except I don’t want to be recovering. But here’s my weak attempt at an excuse. See, I’m one of those people who writes short drafts when I write novels. All of them have come...

The Lost Art of Deductive Reasoning

I’m watching a conversation on Twitter, started by @AuthoressAnon. Here’s the original message:TWEET TO ME: Color of your pants + the last thing you ate or drank = BAND NAME. Ready….GO! Have some more responses filter in and then:Also I can’t...